One year older and wiser too…

I started teaching early morning seminary in September. I can’t believe how much I’ve already learned. I’ve had many Aha! moments and the prophets of the Old Testament have really come alive to me.

This morning we read about the murmurings of the Israelites as they are trapped between the Red Sea and the approaching Egyptians. After everything the Lord had done in delivering them, they still found a reason to complain. I challenged my kids (yes – they’re mine) to keep track of all of the things that they were thankful for throughout the day and at the end of the day, when they kneel down to pray before they go to bed, to make that prayer a gratitude prayer. They were challenged not to ask for anything – just give thanks. I told them that I would keep a list throughout the day at work so that I would be able to give them same kind of prayer at the end of my day. Here’s the list of things that I’m thankful for today:

Jon. I love him more than anything.

Jon doesn’t have a beard anymore. It tickled my nose when he kissed me and it drove me nuts.

My seminary class. They help to remind me every day of the things that are really important in life.

Peter. His confidence in me and my abilities has helped to motivate me.

Connie. Her sweet spirit and willingness to listen.

Maya. Her professionalism and ability to see true cause.

Karen. I wish she was my aunt! She is one of the most genuinly caring people I’ve ever met.

Beverlee. She prepared me for this opportunity.

Bob. He pushed me to become something I didn’t know I wanted to be.

My office. How sweet it is to be able to close the door!

Yair. He’s real. There’s no wondering where I stand. And luckily for me it’s a good place.

The car works. It might be old and ugly, but it works and it’s paid for.

HOME. I love coming home to a place where I belong.

Zoe. She loves me.

EmaLee. My new best friend.

Liz. She’s motivated and finishes what she starts.

My mom. She’s there.

My dad. He cares.

Cathy and Carlie. They called me on my birthday.

Lucy and Courtney. They called me the next day. 🙂

Jamba Juice. COLDBUSTER.

Ice cream.

There are so many things to be thankful for. I’m most thankful for my family. I’m so glad I have them.