Holy EXHAUSTED Batman!

This has probably been one of the longest weeks EVER. I started a new position on Monday – surprise! I knew it was coming but I certainly wasn’t prepared for it to happen on Monday. I had to move my office literally from one corner of the building (upstairs) to the opposite corner (downstairs in the lab) on Monday afternoon. Tuesday and Wednesday were full of on-the-job training opportunities as well as helping on the production line to get everything out for month end. I’ve been running around like crazy. I spent little time in my office (the new one) and lots of time filling bottles, twisting caps, checking for codes and boxing product.

And after all that… Seminary Teacher Training. From 7-9 Tuesday, Wednesday and tonight. Book Club on Tuesday (thanks everyone for staying). I left training early last night because of a migraine and went to bed at 9. One more night to go, with tomorrow off to hang out with my sisters. Yay!!

Early Morning Cemetary

I’ve heard seminary called this before, as I’m sure everyone else has. When I saw the title of this book I had to read it. I loved it. I can’t explain why exactly, I just did.

Early Morning Cemetary Book Cover

It’s set in Arkansas and is about a kid named Kevin. He’s sitting in Sunday School one day and the Bishop comes in to tell them that they now have enough youth in the area to have an early morning seminary class. Their teacher is a volunteer for a group called the Granite Girls and does rubbing’s of gravestones in local cemeteries. She takes the class on field trips and has them help.

Deseret Book’s description: As if living in a funeral home isn’t bad enough, Kevin Kirk’s parents insist on driving a car with a “My Other Car Is a Hearse” bumper sticker plastered on the back. And now it looks like Kevin has been reluctantly “volunteered” to help remodel the old house across the street for Marcy and Marshall, the couple who helps run the Paramount funeral home. Since their baby came along, there just isn’t enough room for them in the apartment over the garage–especially now that Marcy’s mother, Ruby, has shown up.
It’s been twelve years since Marcy has seen her mother. For Kevin, the reunion could have waited another twelve years. To him, there’s something not quite right about Ruby. She always acts syrupy sweet to Kevin when others are around. But when they are alone, it’s a much different story. How can he get anyone else to see that this is a woman who would steal from a church?

Hang on tight as you grow up with Kevin Kirk in this charming tale that shows what it really means to be family.

Apparently, this is the third book in a four book series. I’ve ordered the other three from Amazon so I can read the rest of the series. I haven’t pin-pointed what it is exactly that draws me to these books, but I’m glad I picked it up. I’m bummed to see that they’re out of print though.

Latest Project

I don’t know that you could actually call it a project though. It didn’t take a lot of time. Just another Sunday when I realized that I didn’t have a bracelet to go with the skirt I picked. I decided I’d make one. Then I couldn’t find the right earrings to go with the whole ensemble so I had to make some of those too. Amy will be proud 🙂

Black & White Bracelet & Earring Set

Our Girls

Ellie and Zoe are as different as, well, as cats and dogs. While Ellie loves pretty much everyone she comes in contact with, Zoe is very antisocial. Ellie is outgoing and curious. Zoe already knows everything so she doesn’t have anything left to be curious about and really thinks that it’s annoying that Ellie is always getting into new things. Zoe especially disapproves when strangers come into HER home. She’ll allow it, but visitors should expect that she will not be part of whatever shenanigans they have going. If she does decide to grace said visitors with her presence, it will be with much yawning and other such signs of obvious boredom.

Ellie\'s ready to play Ellie is always ready to play. She loves to fetch. We have an old flying squirrel toy that Jon used to play fetch with Copper. Copper is a huge (seriously gigantic) chocolate lab that we dog-sat for about 7 months last year. The flying squirrel is almost as big as Ellie. She loves to fetch it though. She’ll grab it and shake it like she’s tough and then she’ll trip over it trying to bring it back so you can throw it again. Our moms both taught us not to throw balls in the house. Ellie has taught us that as long as we throw them low we won’t break anything.

Zoe Zoe will only play with strings and hair ties. She likes the ones with feathers on them the most. Sometimes she’ll throw a ball up and catch it again, but nobody is allowed to play with her. She just does this to show you that she doesn’t need you to have a good time.

When we got back from Utah, Ellie was, of course, thrilled. She’s always happy to see someone she recognizes. Zoe, on the other hand, usually couldn’t care any less. This time though, when we got home from Utah, Zoe seemed… glad. She doesn’t get excited about anything but she actually came down and hung out with us that night. For two days whenever we were home she would be wherever we were. I think she might have actually missed us. Who’da thunk?

Home Away From Home

Jon and I were lucky enough to be able to go to Utah this weekend for EmaLee and Brian’s sealing. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I’ll share the trip that way.

I forgot the camera was zoomed in on this one. I kinda like it though. Doesn’t show all my chins.

The ceremony was so touching. The sealer (Dene) was such a sweet and humble man.
At The Door

My Grandpa is serving a service mission at the Conference Center and gives tours there. Here’s a picture of him in action. My Grandpa, the Tour Guide.
Grandpa The Tour Guide

Em and Brian were staying at my mom’s so we stayed at my aunt’s house. They have 2 pug’s – one they’ve had for about 8 or 9 years and the other they’ve only had for about a month. Scooter (or Studer, as she’s affectionately known around their house) is the girl on the left, and Stanley (or Fat Stanley, as he’s affectionately known by me) is the one on the right. They’re helping him get back down to a healthier weight. Both pugs are super sweet cuddlers and love everyone.
Jon & Pugs

The day we were at the temple was beautiful!
Temple With Flag


I love downtown Salt Lake. I love that it’s somewhat small but still has everything it needs.
Downtown SLC


I love the houses up in the Avenues. I’m sure this one is the favorite of a lot of people. I’ve always loved just looking at it.
Avenues Mansion

On Sunday we were able to attend the blessing of our new nephew, William. I have some of the cutest pictures of him, Hannah and Bella. I can’t put any of them here, but some will certainly be framed and hung in our house. We had a great time that day with Jon’s family. Bella was so happy to see us that she spent most of the day giving us hugs and making us smile. She’s such a sweetheart! Hannah was busy running around visiting all of the people she knew – she had three sets of grandparents and various aunts and uncles there that she had to keep entertained. William just kinda hung out. Not like he coulda done anything else. 🙂

We had a great time. Many thanks to all who made it possible. A special thanks to Vanessa and Jon for watching Ellie for us. She took an AWESOME picture of Ellie that I absolutely LOVE! She posted it on her blog.

We are happy to be home, but we miss all of our family up in Utah. We were lucky enough to see as many people as we could. I wish we could have spent more time up there, but we were out of vacation time. WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Church Flash

So a couple of weeks ago, we had Banks sitting with us during sacrament meeting at church. He was playing with Jon’s phone and was looking at all the pictures that were on it. He wanted to take a picture of himself so we pointed the camera at us and pushed the button. Didn’t realize the flash was on, as was the camera-noise that the phone makes. Oops!


The Old Dead Tree

Old Dead Tree

The Old Dead Tree

The old dead tree was looking at me
Trying to tell me how not to be
It creaked and it groaned from the wind of the sea
“Live for today, for tomorrow, and thee”

“Always be the best you can be”
It seemed to continue telling to me
“It doesn’t matter to most if you have a degree
Just as long as you’re the best you can be”

This life is the time to live careful and free
And always try hard to be the best we can be

Project Bracelet

I was getting ready for church this morning and discovered that I didn’t really have any red. I decided to make myself a bracelet really quick out of some of the beads I had. Erin liked it so much that she asked me to make one for her mom. When I got home from church, I made one for her mom and one for her. I thought they were all cute and she loved the ones I made for them! Me too!

Wii Will Rock You!


Em and Brian got Rockband for the XBox a while ago and we’ve been waiting for it to come out for the Wii ever since. Imagine my surprise at coming home on Monday (Jon being gone to Scout Camp) and finding an enormous box on the porch. With my name on it. Yay! Presents! I love presents! It was like Christmas!

I exercised some restraint and waited until he got home on SATURDAY before I broke it out of the box. With Jon sleeping on the couch, I played for the first time with Rusty and Jared Dan – Jared on vocals, Rusty on guitar and me on the drums. I had a blast! If you really want to have a great time playing a video game, play with a kid!


I have learned this week, however, that I have absolutely NO rhythm. I can only pretend.