Home Away From Home

Jon and I were lucky enough to be able to go to Utah this weekend for EmaLee and Brian’s sealing. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I’ll share the trip that way.

I forgot the camera was zoomed in on this one. I kinda like it though. Doesn’t show all my chins.

The ceremony was so touching. The sealer (Dene) was such a sweet and humble man.
At The Door

My Grandpa is serving a service mission at the Conference Center and gives tours there. Here’s a picture of him in action. My Grandpa, the Tour Guide.
Grandpa The Tour Guide

Em and Brian were staying at my mom’s so we stayed at my aunt’s house. They have 2 pug’s – one they’ve had for about 8 or 9 years and the other they’ve only had for about a month. Scooter (or Studer, as she’s affectionately known around their house) is the girl on the left, and Stanley (or Fat Stanley, as he’s affectionately known by me) is the one on the right. They’re helping him get back down to a healthier weight. Both pugs are super sweet cuddlers and love everyone.
Jon & Pugs

The day we were at the temple was beautiful!
Temple With Flag


I love downtown Salt Lake. I love that it’s somewhat small but still has everything it needs.
Downtown SLC


I love the houses up in the Avenues. I’m sure this one is the favorite of a lot of people. I’ve always loved just looking at it.
Avenues Mansion

On Sunday we were able to attend the blessing of our new nephew, William. I have some of the cutest pictures of him, Hannah and Bella. I can’t put any of them here, but some will certainly be framed and hung in our house. We had a great time that day with Jon’s family. Bella was so happy to see us that she spent most of the day giving us hugs and making us smile. She’s such a sweetheart! Hannah was busy running around visiting all of the people she knew – she had three sets of grandparents and various aunts and uncles there that she had to keep entertained. William just kinda hung out. Not like he coulda done anything else. 🙂

We had a great time. Many thanks to all who made it possible. A special thanks to Vanessa and Jon for watching Ellie for us. She took an AWESOME picture of Ellie that I absolutely LOVE! She posted it on her blog.

We are happy to be home, but we miss all of our family up in Utah. We were lucky enough to see as many people as we could. I wish we could have spent more time up there, but we were out of vacation time. WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!!