This past week we learned how to make tote bags in our sewing mini enrichment class. I was surprised at how simple a plain, unlined bag was to make. I was also motivated enough to figure out how to make one lined.
I invited EmaLee and Lani over today to try and make one with me. We were going to have to figure it out as we went because none of us had done it before. Lani found a tutorial online and we got started.
Because of the Prop 8 canvasing, we didn’t get started until around 2 or 3 this afternoon. It took some time to get everything cut out because we had to keep rereading the directions and all the measuring and because there were three of us all taking turns.
The finished product was awesome! I wish I had thought to get pictures of EmaLee’s and Lani’s bags before the left. Maybe they’ll send me one (hint, hint) so i can post it. Here’s mine: