Vacation, Day 2

I’m going to split them up by day because we did so many things that it’s hard to put it all in one post. You’d be here all day, IF you could stay interested that long. It’s like watching someone else’s slide show back in the day.

The second day of our vacation, we got up early because we wanted to make sure that we got to the Sacred Grove before the two bus loads of people that were also staying at our hotel. The Visitors Center opens at 9 so we figured we’d beat the rush if we got there at 7:30 or so. Plus we had to drive all the way back to Cleveland and make it by 4 so we had to leave early anyway. We had the free continental breakfast at the hotel (which was actually really good) and then headed straight over there.

I know it’s corny, but OH! HOW LOVELY WAS THE MORNING!


Something I wasn’t expecting and made me chuckle.

Proof that we really were there.

And my favorite of all the pictures that we took there – this is the Palmyra temple from just outside the Sacred Grove. I love how it peeks through the trees.

We left the Grove at about 8:45 and drove back through NY, PA and into OH. We got back in time for Jon to participate in the alumni band thing that we went out there for. He had a great time and did a great job! I have pictures somewhere, but I’m not seeing them on my computer for some reason. I’ll have to come back and post them later.