I’m so tired. Tired of…
… being honked at. I enjoyed the time I spent out on the corner holding signs for Prop 8, and I TOTALLY appreciate the support from most of the honkers, but if I hear a car honk again any time soon I might lose my mind.
… being told that I’m intolerant, racist, a Nazi, a religious extremist, etc. Even some of my “friends” and family have had the nerve. I thought we could at least respect each others beliefs. I wasn’t calling anyone a name – all I did was stand for something.
… being flipped off, mooned, booed, etc. A whole bunch of people with no idea who I am or what I’m about.
… hate.
… being prejudged.
… hate.
I’m glad that the first part of the fight is over. I know that the war has just begun and that it’s going to take more than the voice of a majority to do anything for this cause.
I’m glad that, at least for now, my rights are protected. I’m glad that I still get to worship the way that I have been. I’m glad that I stood my ground and didn’t back down. I “fought the good fight” and can honestly say in the end that I did all that I could to follow the prophet.
During the seminary lesson the other day – the one on tolerance – we ended with a discussion that, paraphrased, went something like this:
Me: What’s the first and greatest commandment?
Them: Love God.
Me: What’s the second greatest commandment?
Them: Love thy neighbor.
Me: You have to be able to love God before you can truly love your neighbor. How do you show God that you love him?
Them: By being obedient to Him.
Me: And where does His direction come from?
Them: The prophet.
Me: And what has the prophet told us to do?
Them: Everything we can – endure to the end.
My lesson tomorrow is about the adulterous woman and the stones. There is a quote in the lesson manual from Elder Russell M. Nelson:
I have been impressed to speak on the subject of tolerance – a virtue much needed in our turbulent world. But in discussing this topic, we must recognize at the outset that there is a difference between tolerance and tolerate. Your gracious tolerance for an individual does not grant him or her license to do wrong, nor does your tolerance obligate you to tolerate his or her misdeed. That distinction is fundamental to an understanding of this vital virtue.
I couldn’t have said it better myself. I am tolerant. That doesn’t mean that I have to accept the sin. The Savior sat and ate with sinners of the worst kind and loved them. However, He did NOT accept the sin. This whole time I’ve been asking myself, “What would Jesus do?” The thing is, I had the answer all along. Amos 3:7: Surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth His secrets unto His servant the prophet” (slightly paraphrased). The Prophet gave us the direction – he told us what Jesus would do – stand for Prop 8.
We did.
I’ve read what my real friends have said about their experiences. Jon, Lani, Sara, and EmaLee, here’s to you. Thank you for doing what you do and for being so good at it. I’m so glad that I had you to be there with me and help keep me strong!