We had such a great weekend that it has been difficult to get back into the swing of things this week. It started on Wednesday night when EmaLee and I made pies and ice cream. She made two apple pies (which were delicious!) and I made two different kinds of ice cream – cinnamon and vanilla.
Jon, Ellie and I spent the night at Em and Brian’s Wednesday night and got up Thursday and got started with dinner (after having a great breakfast – it’s all about the food, right?). Our traditional dinner includes turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, black olives, what we call orange salad, rolls and cranberry sauce (for dad). This year we were blessed enough to be able to have all of that.
After dinner, it was nap time (of course). Erek snuggled up to grandpa and was the only one of us that was able to get some z’s. Dad might have snoozed a little too – he could fall asleep anywhere. Must be where I get it from.
After nap time it was time for dessert. Brian’s brother and sister both came with their families. Lani brought some yummy homemade chocolate filled croissants and a pumpkin crumble (which I never did get to taste. I heard it was yummy though). We cut into Em’s delicious apple pies, and dished them up with some cinnamon and vanilla ice cream. I made a banana cream pie earlier in the day from a Pampered Chef cookbook that I got at a garage sale and we cut into that too. Everything was a big hit!
After dessert was game time. We played a game called Pictureka! and had a blast! Steve likes to stretch the rules when he plays games so if you’re ever on his team you’ll always win but if you’re playing against him be prepared to fight for the rules. Mike is a sore loser so if he’s not on Steve’s team find something to keep him distracted.
After game time we watched Wall-E and then everyone went home except for Jon and I – we decided to stay one more night. Friday morning we got up and came home, cleaned up the house, and then went back for leftover-dinner. Saturday I spent a lot of the day shopping with Lani and Sunday was back to normal. Church and some visiting teaching.
I’m so grateful for my family and my friends and all of the other things I’m so blessed to have! It has been a great year.