We have the cutest dog. She’s mostly Chiahuahua but also has some Yorky and Pug in her too. I love her floppy ears and curled tail.
Jon and I went camping this weekend down on Coronado Island with my dad, sister, brother-in-law and some of his family. We spent a lot of time sitting on the beach watching the boats speed through the bay. Of course we took Ellie with us. She loves lying in the sun. The dirt was just a bonus.
She’d never been in the water before so Jon went and bought her a life jacket so he could take her out on the kayak and see how she liked swimming. She did OK in the kayak…
She wasn’t really sure about the boogie board though.
I think she liked the life jacket because it helped to keep her warm. She doesn’t have a lot of fur so she gets cold quickly. She wore that jacket all day Saturday and never complained. Notice the handle on the top too. I don’t know that she was really a fan of being carried around that way, but she’s such a good natured dog that she’s always up for something new. She’s such a good dog!