Mmm… Cheesecake…

I hope to see lots of people at Saturday’s auction. I’m making three cheesecakes to try and lure people there.

Tonight I made a White Chocolate Cheesecake and bought some fresh raspberries to put on top. There’s an Orange Cheesecake with a Ginger Snap crust in the oven right now. Tomorrow I’ll be making “The” Cheesecake of all cheesecakes (according to Gregg) – Strawberry Hot Fudge Cheesecake with fresh chocolate dipped strawberries on top.

People Watching

So, I had to go to the DMV yesterday to renew the expired registration on one of our cars. There are so many stereotypes surrounding the Department of Motor Vehicles. Let me just testify to the fact that those stereotypes exist for a reason. Sitting there on the attached, dark navy blue chairs was like being a part of a Saturday Night Live skit.

First of all, the woman at the “Start Here” desk was just as burly as the man sitting at the desk behind her. Their hair was the same length, although his was cleaner and nicer. Like his personality. She gave me my two forms to fill out and the number to wait for, mumbled something about lunch and yelled “Next!”

I went over by the south wall and took a seat between a couple empty chairs and pulled out my book-club-book to try and get started on it because I suddenly had “free” time. About 5 chairs to my left was a man with a laptop and a cell phone. I know he had a cell phone because he was talking on it. Loud enough that I know his wife’s name was Barbara and that they were planning to go to Vegas this weekend. I’m convinced that the laptop was all for show.

There was a woman and her husband that came in and sat down facing me. There’s no way that Jon would let me out of the house in what she was wearing. And she was about my size so it probably would have fit me. He would just shake his head and tell me that some things are for his eyes only. Amen. Way it should be. I almost gave her my sweater… but it was in the car.

I was there for about and hour. The numbering system they have there is really making things better. On my way out, I passed a couple with a stroller. They were betting on which letter would precede the number that would be called next. She’d just won, apparently for the third time in a row, and was doing a little victory dance. He was handing her another dollar.

And I thought the airport was a good place to watch people. Some day maybe I’ll just go watch at the DMV and see what happens next.

Cutting in Line

Jon made a deal with my sister EmaLee on Friday that if her and Brian could go with us to take our Ham Radio Exam on Saturday morning, that we would go to Disney’s California Adventure with them on Saturday. I know, I know – Ham Radio Exam?? I have a geek for a husband, what can I say?

So on Saturday, we went to CA. First of all, it was about 100 degrees (literally, no joke). At least it was a “dry” heat (note sarcasm). At one point we decided that it was hot enough that we needed to go on the water ride – Big Bear Rapids or something like that – and ride as single riders so we could get through the line faster. Em’s friend and her mom were there too (Michelle and Linda, respectively). Linda took the baby into the hotel lobby to cool down a little ’cause the poor guy was miserable. Jon decided that he didn’t want to go on the ride so he went with Linda and took all of our cell phones. You see it coming, don’t you?

We went to the single rider line after they had gone only to find that the line for single riders was as long as the regular line. I probably should have mentioned that Fast Passes were not even worth getting because it would have meant riding right before the park closed. And it was only about 2:00 in the afternoon.

They (Em, Brian, Michelle) decided that we might as well go ride the Santa Monica Screamer (or something like that – it’s late and I’m tired). I don’t ride those rides because I end up wearing my stomach, contents included, on my shoes. Jon loves ’em though. I offered to go get him from the hotel lobby so he could ride with them. I got to the lobby and he decided not to go. I turned around and went back to the spot where they were supposed to meet me and they weren’t there. I had also grabbed my phone so that we could communicate somehow. I heard Em call my name, found her, and did something I wouldn’t normally do. Michelle and Brian were already in line so Em and I went to meet them.

I’m one of those goody-goody’s that gets stomach cramps when I get caught doing something wrong, especially when I get called out on it. Some junior-high kid about five or six people back told on me for cutting in line. Little punk. The “cast member” named Jeff then called me out on it. Luckily Michelle isn’t so much like me and told the guy that I had just gone to make a quick run to the bathroom. He didn’t even question it and moved on.

I ended up riding with a family that was all there together and “Dad” lost his hat on the ride. They were very nice to me.

My Book

There’s a book in me – I just know it. There’s been a book in me forever and I’ve been trying to find it so that I can write it. To this day it continues to elude me.

The trouble is getting the book out before someone else does. I’ve had so many ideas and then I’ll be at the bookstore only to find that someone else has already written my book. Back to the drawing board…

Sometimes I think that my life has been interesting enough to write about. Then I realize that it really hasn’t, push the thought out of my mind once again and move on.

Tips for Where the Wild Things Are…

We went to the Wild Animal Park yesterday. In case you’re thinking of going, here are some things to keep in mind.

1. Wear good walking shoes. Things are spread apart and, unless you fit in a stroller or can talk someone into pushing you in a wheelchair, you’re going to have to walk to see what you want to see.

2. The map can be deceiving. At some points on the trail, it seems like it could be to scale. At other times, especially when you’re going up hill, it can seem horribly off.

3. Read the fine print on the map. By that I mean that where the map says there’s a steep slope, it really means that they would have put in a switchback if they had had space for it.

4. Don’t go in the afternoon unless it’s sometime between November and February unless you enjoy the heat. If you’re going to go between March and October, go early in the morning. Even the animals know this. You won’t see them out walking in the heat of the day. They fight and crowd for shade and just lay there in it. The rhinos even roll in the mud to keep cool.

5. It’s not worth paying extra for Preferred Passes for the Journey Through Africa Safari. If you really want to go on it, wait out the line. It would probably be best first thing in the morning. It’s one of those things that you’d have to be first to because the line gets pretty long. And really, all you’re going to see is giraffes, rhinos and various species of deer and antelope. (If you’re a member, it’s free.)

6. Take lots of water and drink it.

7. The flamingos stink. Bad. Be prepared. Just trust me on this one.

8. Read the sign at the gorillas. Don’t stare at them – it’s rude and they might moon you if do.

And last, but not least…
9. Don’t tell your mom that you’ll eat her up or you won’t get your supper.

Clipart Fart

Jessica happens to be one of the youth in charge of the 3rd annual ward auction youth fundraiser this year and asked me to create the poster that will be found in the foyers on Sundays for the next few weeks. She gave me a pen outline on a piece of paper and I kinda went nuts from there. When you see the posters in the foyer at the church, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Try it… Love it!

We had a birthday in the family last week and I wanted to make something other than just your typical birthday cake. My dad happened to be coming up this way and was going to stay at Lake O’Neil for the weekend. We decided that, instead of going out to dinner like we normally do, to spend some time at the lake on Saturday night. We decided on foil dinners and I had flash backs to a peach cobbler that Brother Taylor used to make. Brother Taylor was a guy in our bishopric when I was in Young Womens and he would make peach cobbler every year for us at girls camp. Complete with vanilla ice cream of course.

Brother Taylor used to make it in a dutch oven and I have little to no experience with one of those things. I don’t have a recipe for peach cobbler either, at least I didn’t. Until Friday. Then I found one, online of course. I thought that it really seemed way to easy. Three ingredients? That’s it? Hm… that means that it will be either too tart or too sweet. Not so!! This is probably the best recipe I’ve ever tasted for peach cobbler. I will totally use it again!!

Some Days Are Just Like That

I really used to hate it when my mom would say that to me. I would have the worst day and after she would listen to me get it all off my chest, she would shrug and say, “Some days are just like that.”

At first I didn’t understand. “What do you mean – some days are just like that?!? Don’t you understand that NO days are supposed to be like that? Every day is supposed to be some swash-buckling adventure, rosy romance, or outrageously funny journey. I’m not supposed to want to rip apart everything within reach just to find some satisfaction in knowing that something had a worse day than I did” I would think.

As I would get one year older, and wiser too, I began to understand that there really are days that don’t really fit into the story. Yes, my life is a story. It’s like the movie “Stranger Than Fiction.” Except that the writer is me and there isn’t really anything written down yet, despite the constant counsel to keep a journal. Unfortunately, for my posterity, this is probably as good as it’s going to get.

Anyway… the day started out as most normal days do… drag myself out of bed at 4:30am, shower, “gently remind” husband to get up, get dressed, “gently remind” husband to get up, do hair and makeup, encourage husband to shower quickly, run downstairs realizing I missed printing something for my seminary class, swallow a bowl of cereal while reading scriptures with awake and showered husband, brush teeth, switch pants to skirt, go out to the freezing cold car and head off to seminary.

Seminary went as most days do, but my first clue to the nonsense that would become my day began when a rumor was discussed prior to class starting. Not only was said rumor ludicrous, there was absolutely no base to even make something of that nature up around. I guess that would apply to most, if not all rumors though. Once we were able to get past that part of the day, we were able to get into our lesson. The rest of class went by just as wonderfully as every other day does. (I love those kids!)

But then I went to work…

The nonsense turned to what some might call middle school.

And when all is said and done, the only thing I can think to put in my book for the day is… “Some days are just like that!”

One year older and wiser too…

I started teaching early morning seminary in September. I can’t believe how much I’ve already learned. I’ve had many Aha! moments and the prophets of the Old Testament have really come alive to me.

This morning we read about the murmurings of the Israelites as they are trapped between the Red Sea and the approaching Egyptians. After everything the Lord had done in delivering them, they still found a reason to complain. I challenged my kids (yes – they’re mine) to keep track of all of the things that they were thankful for throughout the day and at the end of the day, when they kneel down to pray before they go to bed, to make that prayer a gratitude prayer. They were challenged not to ask for anything – just give thanks. I told them that I would keep a list throughout the day at work so that I would be able to give them same kind of prayer at the end of my day. Here’s the list of things that I’m thankful for today:

Jon. I love him more than anything.

Jon doesn’t have a beard anymore. It tickled my nose when he kissed me and it drove me nuts.

My seminary class. They help to remind me every day of the things that are really important in life.

Peter. His confidence in me and my abilities has helped to motivate me.

Connie. Her sweet spirit and willingness to listen.

Maya. Her professionalism and ability to see true cause.

Karen. I wish she was my aunt! She is one of the most genuinly caring people I’ve ever met.

Beverlee. She prepared me for this opportunity.

Bob. He pushed me to become something I didn’t know I wanted to be.

My office. How sweet it is to be able to close the door!

Yair. He’s real. There’s no wondering where I stand. And luckily for me it’s a good place.

The car works. It might be old and ugly, but it works and it’s paid for.

HOME. I love coming home to a place where I belong.

Zoe. She loves me.

EmaLee. My new best friend.

Liz. She’s motivated and finishes what she starts.

My mom. She’s there.

My dad. He cares.

Cathy and Carlie. They called me on my birthday.

Lucy and Courtney. They called me the next day. 🙂

Jamba Juice. COLDBUSTER.

Ice cream.

There are so many things to be thankful for. I’m most thankful for my family. I’m so glad I have them.